Welcome to the Foreclosure Guide

You've probably made it here because you are either going through a foreclosure or you know someone who is. This can be a stressful and unpredictable time for you and your family. Thats what this site was created for. Here you will find the resources you need to navigate through these troubling times at your fingertips. Please explore what this site has to offer so we can put your mind at ease!

Get familiar with the terms used in the process

Foreclosure lingo can be pretty thick, so before navigating this site you may want to take a look at our glossary of terms to get farmiliar with the terms used throughout the foreclosure process. This glossary can be found   Here.

Where am I?

If you have no idea where you lie in the forclosure process, please take a look at our   Forclosure Timeline!

Show me the paperwork

Perhaps you would just like to see what a certain document should look like? Sure thing! Just check out our   Forms Guide.

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  2. You can navigate through a pages content by dragging your finger up and down!

  3. You can click any buttons to reveal helpful information about the foreclosure process!

  4. Click the menu button to navigate to the resources that you need!

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  6. You can click the "Help" button to view one of these nifty walkthroughs for each page as many times as youd like!