Questionnaire Page

We will ask you 7 simple questions. Based on your situation, select either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to proceed through the Questionnaire. Once you get to the end, you will be presented with a brief description of your current stage in the Foreclosure process. and what you can expect next.

  • Question 1

    Have you fallen behind on Mortage payments?
    Yes No
  • Question 2

    Have you recieved a 90-Day Notice?
    Yes No
  • Question 3

    Have you recieved a Demand Letter?
    Yes No
  • Question 4

    Have you filed a Lis Pendens and Summons and Complaints?
    Yes No I'm in the process of filing them.
  • Question 5

    Have you filed an Answer?
    Yes No Didn't want to.
  • Question 6

    Was a Settlement Conference scheduled?
    Yes Not yet
  • Question 7

    Was the Settlement Conference successful?
    Yes No

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 1 Results

Stay ahead with your mortage payments

Prepaying your mortgage is a great way to save thousands of dollars, quickly build equity and substantially shorten your loan term. This is just one great idea on how you can stay ahead with you mortage payments.

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 2 Results

What has happened


This can happen for any number of reasons, but the end result is still the same: your financial situation is such that you have not been able to keep current on your Mortgage.

The bank will begin contacting you to find out when you will make your missed payments but typically if you fall 30 or more days behind you will likely receive the 90-day notice. You can find a more explained definition on the Foreclosure Timeline on the 90-day notice.

Sample 90-Day Foreclosure Notice

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 3 Results

The Demand Letter

Description: You will receive a “Demand Letter” typically 45 to 60 days behind on payments. With many large banks, the Demand Letter is automatically generated when you fall behind by a certain amount of time on payments. Check the Foreclosure Timeline, stage 3 for an explained definition.

Sample Demand Letter

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 4 Results

Summon and Complaints

Description: Summons and Complaint is what tells you that a lawsuit has been started. The Complaint will tell you and the Court the reasons the Bank is suing you, for the missing mortage payments. Check the Foreclosure Timeline, stage 4 for an explained definition.

Sample Summons
Sample Complaint

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 4 Results

Description: It is EXTREMELY important that you open ALL mail sent to you by your Bank’s attorney, and by the Court. Everything mailed to you is important and is critical that you be aware of these developments.

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 5 Results

Filing an answer or notice of appearance

Description: Once you receive the Summons and Complaint you can file an “Answer” or a “Notice of Appearance”. The Foreclosure timeline, stage 5 explaines this step in great detail.

Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 6 Results

Sample Settlement Conference Letter

Resort to the Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 7A Results

Resort to the Foreclosure Timeline: Stage 7B Results