Step 1: Homeowner Falls Behind On Payments
If you are late with your mortgage payments, you may be contacted by your bank.
More informationStep 2: 90-Day Pre-Foreclosure Notice
If you have recieved notification that your bank will begin foreclosure proceedings in 90 days, you can work with them to resolve the situation.
More informationStep 3: The Demand Letter (or "Acceleration Letter")
Did you recieve this document? It typically will arrive when you are 45 to 60 days late on payments.
More informationStep 4: The Summons and Complaint
You may have recieved a summons from the court that your mortgage lender is attempting to foreclose on your home. Here's what you need to know.
More informationStep 5: Optional - Filing an Answer
You can respond to the summons and complaint with an Answer or Notice of Appearance. Here's how.
More informationStep 6: The Settlement Conference
The settlement conference allows you and the bank to find alternatives to foreclosure. You can think of it as a "safety zone" - the judicial foreclosure proceedings are on hold during this time.
More informationStep 7a: Successful Settlement Conference
If you and the bank are able to find an alternative solution, then your foreclosure proceedings will be discontinued.
More informationStep 7b: Unsuccessful Settlement Conference
Not all settlement conference proceedings are able to resolve the differences, and the foreclosure proceeding will continue.
More informationStep 8: Post-Judgement (if your settlement conference was unsuccessful)
What to expect if you and the bank are unable to work out a deal.
More information